Bill Snethkamp Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

Sep 24, 2021
engine transmission for jeep

Knowing when you need a transmission repair can be tough. The signs aren’t always obviously linked to transmission trouble. However, you should visit your Chrysler and Jeep dealer when the time for your repair comes. Your Jeep and Chrysler dealer will be happy to take care of any of the problems that have arisen due to a faulty transmission.

4 Signs You Need a Transmission Repair ASAP From Your Jeep and Chrysler Dealer

1. You Can’t Switch Gears

Your vehicle might struggle or refuse to change gears when you have transmission trouble. This is one of the most dangerous issues to have on the road, but it’s not actually a difficult issue to fix. Most of the time, this issue is caused by low transmission fluid.

The issue may occasionally be caused by incorrect transmission fluid used in your vehicle, although that’s only likely to happen if you’ve taken your dealer to an unreputable dealership in the recent past. Taking your vehicle to us will ensure that the right fluid is used in your vehicle 100% of the time.

2. Your Gears Keep Slipping

Here’s another of the most dangerous issues you could have while driving. If your gears keep slipping, then it’s most likely a problem with your transmission, and you need to get a tow truck to bring you into us as soon you can.

3. You Have a Fluid Leak

Transmission fluid smells sweet and is red in color. If you spot a puddle of this near your vehicle, then you know it’s time to pay us a visit.

You’ll also notice a leak if your fluid level appears to be dropping faster than normal. You should check your fluid levels regularly. This will give you an idea of how quickly the fluid levels usually drop. Knowing how fast they usually drop will help you realize when one of the levels is dropping faster than it normally does. That’s a sure way to catch a leak in its early days, and you can get it fixed before you lose too much of the fluid.

4. Noisy Neutral 

New noises in neutral indicate that you most likely have a problem with your transmission. This noise can indicate an array of issues, so you need to get to us as fast as possible. This could be an issue that requires urgent attention, and you won’t know the extent of the problem until you get here.

You should always visit the dealer when your vehicle is making new noises, as it’s pretty much as it’s essentially never a sign of anything good.

Why You Should Visit Your Chrysler and Jeep Dealer for Your Repair

Visiting the dealer for your repair is highly beneficial to you. Here’s what you’re getting if you come to the dealer for your repair:

  • Factory-trained expert Jeep and Chrysler technicians
  • Quick service
  • Amenities if you need to stay with us while we complete your repair
  • The best customer service in the industry
  • Access to the Jeep and Chrysler parts that we have on hand (if needed)

Come see us at Bill Snethkamp Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram to get your repair when you need it. Call us at 313-771-2553 to let us know when you need to come in.